Thursday, May 13, 2010

Los Angeles to boycott Arizona over immigration law

Now this really shows the intelligence of L.A. Today. You can absolutely tell that they have no clue what is going on in Arizona nor do they know what the bill is even about.
I used to love LA. Now? I think California needs to learn more about Freedom.

This article seems to just be starting more strife than anything else.
clipped from

City Council members who voted 13-1 in favor of the punitive measure said it could affect about $8 million in contracts with Arizona, but Los Angeles must first decide which of those agreements it can break without triggering lawsuits.

Another $50 million in contracts will remain in place but the council directed city department heads to refrain from doing future business with Arizona or companies headquartered there whenever possible.

Arizona's new law, which comes into effect at end-July, does not allow police to demand identification from individuals without cause or to summarily deport them. But it does require officers, during a lawful contact, to check the immigration status of anyone who they reasonably suspect is in the country illegally.

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