Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Long Shadow Of The Progressives: Obama, Teddy Roosevelt & Living Wage

clipped from

Progressives have been pushing for a living wage, social justice and a “whatever you think it says is o.k. with me” interpretation of the constitution for 100 years.

Obama (February 13th, 2008):

Since the Earned Income Tax Credit lifts nearly 5 million Americans out of poverty each year, I’ll double the number of workers who receive it and triple the benefit for minimum wage workers

Teddy Roosevelt (August 6th, 1912):

As a people we cannot afford to let any group of citizens or any individual citizen live or labor under conditions which are injurious to the common welfare. Industry, therefore, must submit to such public regulation as will make it a means of life and health, not of death or inefficiency. We must protect the crushable elements at the base of our present industrial structure.

The people themselves must be the ultimate makers of their own Constitution
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