Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Board enraged by any mention of 'God'

clipped from

Members of a California school board, unhappy that they were told by a federal court not to censor a teacher's patriotic classroom banners that mention "God," have voted to appeal the ruling.

WND reported the math teacher had had banners hanging in his classroom at Westview High School in San Diego, Calif., for more than 17 years.

In the resulting court case, the school district was scolded by the judge.

"May a school district censor a high school teacher's expression because it refers to Judeo-Christian views, while allowing other teachers to express views on a number of controversial subjects, including religion and anti-religion?" posited U.S. District Court Judge Roger T. Benitez in his judgment. "On undisputed evidence, this court holds that it may not."

"That God places prominently in our nation's history does not create an Establishment Clause violation requiring curettage and disinfectant for Johnson's public high school classroom walls
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