Friday, May 14, 2010

Arizona Si, Obama No!

Arizona Si, Obama No!

That’s been the reaction from the racists of La Raza, and a number of other self-proclaimed do-gooders, who claim to be outraged that the good citizens of Arizona have the unmitigated gall to do what their Federal government should be doing for them—protecting them from an alien invasion.

As many of you know, I’m not a huge fan of our government’s response to the Islamofascists who want to kill us. I sometimes suspect we’d be better off without the Department of Homeland Security,

We were also assured that the flood of illegal immigration into this country would be stopped. Congress subsequently approved legislation to build a massive wall along the U.S.-Mexican border and to hire thousands of additional agents for the Border Patrol.

None of this happened. Not a single thing we were promised 24 years ago came true.

This is not immigration. It’s an invasion. And we need to deal with it as such.

This is not just my opinion. It’s what our Constitution says
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