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Thursday, May 13, 2010

2nd Friday Night Out Mesa, AZ. No Christians Allowed!

2006-08-22 - Road Trip - Day 30 - United State...Image by Colin Gregory Palmer via Flickr

I got an interesting Message from some musician friends of mine last night. They seemed to be a bit shocked at a call from 2nd Friday Night Out in Mesa Arizona from a gig they had lined up awhile back and turning down another in order to go play at the 2nd Friday Night Out. Being so happy about it they were excited to be a part of it. Anyone who is a part of the Music Business knows how difficult it is to line up a show and then to have it canceled at the last minute. But, this reason got me.

It's because your Christian.

Well it so happened that they checked out their web page and found out they were Christian, and decided it's for the public's best interest to not have them play for this reason. Now, I'm kinda used to the fact that many people today have a hard time with Christianity. But, the letter he got back was quite disturbing even to me.

Now, he got a call being told, that they canceled them because they are Christian. So he wrote them letting them know about the other songs they have with just positive messages that really has nothing to a Religion. They even have a song called Not Religious which is actually quite funny.

This is the response letter.
I am the president of 2nd Friday Night Out and coordinator of the event. We have received hundreds of applications for vendors, artists, and musicians for our events. We currently have a Christian rapper who will be performing for this month's event already and our goal with this month is tor reach out to the community with a wide range of musical genres. The 2nd Friday Night Out event is not a venue for individuals to proselytize their individual religions, sexual preferences, political positions, etc. but is a community event paid for by the merchants who run businesses on Main. Our musical director selects the music to represent and invite a wide range of interests and your band did not meet our criterion for this month's event. We would be glad to have you apply again for an upcoming event.
Suzanne Woodford
2nd Friday Night Out President

Proselytize? Really? To those who don't know what that word means.
Being a Christian most wouldn't know it. Why? Because it has nothing to do with Christianity!

intransitive verb 1 : to induce someone to convert to one's faith
2 : to recruit someone to join one's party, institution, or causetransitive verb : to recruit or convert especially to a new faith, institution, or cause.

Now this statement.
The 2nd Friday Night Out event is not a venue for individuals to proselytize their individual religions, sexual preferences, political positions, etc

Really? This has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. This place books Musicians every month and they make a statement like this?
This is every kind of music on the planet. In America it's called Freedom of Speech. Like what the Constitution of the United States speaks of.

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Now anyone who loves music knows that ALL musicians practice this Amendment. ALL musicians have their views to share with the World. As I was looking over their own page.

I see musicians speaking of Partying, Sex, Hate, Political views and it goes on and on.
God forbid anyone to actually have a Positive message out on the streets of Mesa at the 2nd Friday night out.
At first glance I actually thought, no that can't be right. But, as you can see all over the news today. It seems the First Amendment and the Freedom of Speech is only being taken away from what the World thinks a Christian is. Not to mention they seem to not even care anything about their own heritage and history of this great Country of ours.

Then they received another message to top it all off.

I am sorry for the confusion and take full responsibility for the poor communication. This event is not run by the city of Mesa and while they can be blamed for many things, this is not their event or run by any city organizations so don't blame them. It isn't even an organization, corporation, etc. Just a group of people trying to make an event happen on no budget with no staff and trying to please everyone. We have had many groups apply who want to use this event to make a statement for their particular cause, group, religion, etc. Last month, we had a church group just show up who were not registered who were handing out literature for their religion and we were over run with complaints from people who felt they were being harrassed by them. Then we had a whole bunch of other religious groups want to attend to promote their groups. The committee who works for free hundreds of hours to make this happen voted to not include groups who were promoting a particular agenda. If we don't see you in a live performance, we can only base our decision on what we are presented on YouTube or the applications from the groups themselves and the music they saw of your group was Christian in message. I'm sure you may have other songs that do not address a particular religion but that is what we saw in our presentation.
Our goal is to promote local groups, provide a positive environment for artists, and try to do something positive in a world of people often looking to create disharmony and negativity.
It sounds like our goals are pretty much the same. We do not make a penny from this. We have to operate under insurance from a non-profit agency and abide by their guidelines as well and were just notified this week of contracts that must be met by all the bands performing.

Really? I mean, REALLY?
Now I understand this. Churches! We do not live in the 70's anymore. Passing out tracts? Wake up this is 2010. I do have to agree the general person walking down the street will wind up throwing it right back down on the street. It makes a mess. The groups they are talking about. That may get a bit annoying as well.

The problem here is they are Judging these musicians and never really paid any attention to what they do. Let alone any of the ones they replaced them with. All of them fit into this exact description. Other than Christian.

Just from the Labeling and the rudeness of these letters just struck a chord in me. To know the true nature behind what they really want to promote has nothing to do with any positive nature by any means.
Not only do I NOT want to go down to the so-called 2nd Friday Night Out street fest. But it also makes me NOT want to have anything to do with any of the Businesses mentioned on their Web Site. Why? Because they don't like Christian bands who actually have a positive message.

Truthfully, I'm not sure if any Christian would after they read this.
This entire freedom of speech as long as it's not Christian thing is getting way out of hand.
They are worried about complaints?

The fact of the matter is this. The friends that I have Terry and Diane McCabe Have some pretty great music. Mostly done as husband and wife with 2 acoustic guitars, a wide range of style and really has no Religious aspects to it whatsoever. Anyone that actually listens to is would get that.

To be told you cannot play after they already booked you, for the only reason is because you are Christian is flat out ridicules. No matter what the excuse is. To say that any band can actually Proselytize, apparently doesn't quite know what the word means either. That would be a Catholic thing. Not Christian.

I do know this. I won't have anything to do with 2nd Friday Night Out or any of the Businesses that support them. Until they can get their own act together.

This is a very bad example to have in a state the Practices the Freedom of American citizens and stand by the leaders of it. Please don't take this bad news as what the State of Arizona stands for. Because it is not.

So those of you who actually like Christian's would like to book them, feel free to contact them. They actually have a real Positive message.

They don't have a bunch of people running around handing out literature or trying to convert people. lol
2nd Friday Night Out in Mesa Arizona, Means No Christian Allowed!

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  1. It's funny how if it was any other religious or ethnic music, Al Sharpton, or the ACLU would be all over it. But since it's Christian..... who cares. What can you do, we were never promised it would be easy, and it will get much worse before it gets better..... Keep at it McCabes, I am a huge fan... literally :-)

  2. Maybe they would prefer Barny to play the gig, to avoid controversy.

  3. Wow. You guys have this big article about freedom of speech, and how important it is to hear opposing viewpoints, but of course you don't print anything opposing your viewpoint. Big surprise. Steve is making fun of avoiding controversy, but it seems that it is you that are afraid of controversy. It is a sad sad world we live in when the mediocre masses (you guys) have any influence on these poor, lost, week-minded souls. Shame on you for using religion to promote hatred and intolerance.

  4. And for those of you that like to point figures and try to put hateful comments on here. Don't bother. lol

    The fact is, instead of getting mad. Just apologize to them. Send them a nice letter instead this junk. Say your sorry.
    Then I can forgive and forget and delete this entire post.

    But, then again that's up to you.

  5. Have you ever been told you were too radical to play a worship service??? We have...... Oy Vey

  6. THis country is going crazy my friends. Your music is great!! Keep your heads up. God prevails!!

  7. Your music is aimed at a wide target not a small Prejudiced one.YET the truth is real and THERE!!! You both a have a real gift!!! March on...God is with you both!!

  8. Again it's not about Religion. It's the reason they were canceled after they already booked them.
    Not only is it discrimination. But the entire things they say they stand for is just the opposite of what I see on their own page.

    It's one thing to tell someone they are canceled. They should have though twice before they came up with such a lame excuse. When they say it's because you a Christian? Then, Yes I have major problem with that. (YOU GUYS) how funny. lol I'm not even part of the group. But (you guys) should be more careful as to what you tell people in the first place.

    You speak of hatred and intolerance? That is exactly what I see in the letters you sent.
    Get it right.

  9. You said to apologize? I think the opening statement in the letter to the McCabes was apologizing for the misunderstanding. And again, it wasn't because they were Christian. There were other Christian bands playing. It was because their music was more folk than rock. They also probably neglected to mention that the McCabes refused to return their contract and W9 form, which legally prevented them from playing.

  10. Again, it's entirely up to whomever wrote these. You can see plainly in Bold letters what was said. I really can careless the reason for letting someone play. But, to say it's because they are CHRISTIAN? That is sad.

    As far as the W-9?
    Most employers must only have a record of a W-9 form if the money they will pay to a freelancer exceeds 600 US dollars (USD) yearly. For lesser amounts the form may not be required. W-9's and other tax forms and instructions can be downloaded directly from the IRS's website.

    If this changed. I would like to see where that is News that people need to know about. We all know they were not being paid over 600 bucks now. Come on.

    Personally, I would love to be able to post a great article about 2nd Friday Night Out. Let that boost up on Google and have some great reviews. Cause it does sound like you have a good thing going. But, As a Christian Myself. This is big news to Many Christians. If a company or outfit has enough guts to Apologize, for saying something they shouldn't have. Then, even I can respect that. Delete this, find out more about what they do and replace it. I would love to be able to write something good about what you do.
    Is it really to much to ask?


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