Monday, April 12, 2010

1ST AMENDMENT UNDER FIRE State poised to punish free speech at schools

clipped from

The state of California is poised within days to adopt a resolution that schools be "discrimination-free" zones – a plan one critic asserts is designed "to stamp out the free speech of students and teachers with moral values or scientific ethics."

ACR 82 already has gone most of the way through the legislative approval process and only awaits state Assembly approval of Senate changes.

The resolution states "all public education institutes are encouraged to … identify themselves as 'discrimination-free zones'

"While this may sound good," said a statement from an organization called Save California, "the devil is in the details. By including morally controversial lifestyles [homosexuality, bisexuality and others] in this resolution, ACR 82 would encourage schools to 'enact procedures' against 'acts of discrimination that occur on campus.'"

Critics say the "procedures" could be enacted over something as basic as a statement that the Bible does not approve of homosexuality.

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  1. Yeah there is a big difference between hate speech, harassment, etc.. and just voicing an opinion. We are carrying this "do not offend" too far. Sorry, but just because something is not PC, it doesn't mean that we need to ban it.

  2. It's actually gotten to the point where a hate crime isn't a hate crime. They just don't like a Biblical opinion so they want them arrested for saying it.

    This goes way beyond just the United States. This has everything to do with the UN and the so-called climate change.
    The above article shows more on this as well. Homeschooling.

    We have a President determined to take out our Constitution and make us all go under UN Law.
    We are in America the land of the Free. Free speech, Freedom of Religion.
    Yet both of these go against UN Law. Obama signed away All our Rights when he signed that treaty. This is why we are watching all this grow to be a major problem.


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