Friday, April 9, 2010

U.S. security official: No new concrete Mideast peace plan

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United States National Security Advisor James Jones said Friday the administration was discussing how to jump-start the lagging Middle East peace process, but did not have a new plan to offer.

Speaking to reporters accompanying U.S. President Barack Obama back to Washington from Prague, Gen. James Jones said, there's been no decision made regarding a concrete Middle East peace plan.

Earlier this week there had been reports saying that the administration was poised to offer a new U.S. peace proposal to Israel and the Palestinian Authority that would build on understandings reached at Camp David, Maryland, in 2000.
Earlier Friday, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri called for a "world leadership" to force all the parties to the Middle East conflict to negotiate, describing U.S. President Barack Obama as the "ideal person" to head the effort.

Netanyahu said an external arrangement "won't work and it won't be acceptable if a settlement is forced on us,"
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