Friday, April 9, 2010

Iran Unveils More Powerful Centrifuges

While Obama declares to remove nukes, Iran rushes to build more, along with North Korea. I'm having a hard time believing that anyone can actually believe this Government in the U. S. A. is doing any good for this country. I'm mean really, has America really become this blind to reality?
clipped from
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, after unveiling a third generation of domestically built centrifuge, 09 Apr 2010
Iran's president unveiled a new generation of  centrifuges used to enrich uranium Friday, defying international warnings against continuing its sensitive nuclear work.
Mr. Ahmadinejad displayed one of the new, domestically-built machines Friday, saying international efforts to pressure Iran on its nuclear program will be met with even more resistance.  
The announcement marked Iran's National Nuclear Day.
Also Friday, U.S. President Barack Obama said there is no guarantee that new U.N. sanctions will persuade Iran to change course.  However, he added, with "consistent and steady" international pressure, Iran may eventually realize pursuing nuclear weapons is not worth the cost.
Thursday, six world powers began negotiations on a possible new round of U.N. Security Council sanctions against Tehran for its nuclear activities.  
World powers believe Iran is secretly trying to develop nuclear weapons, a charge it denies.
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