Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jews to world: 'Help non-Muslims pray on Temple Mount'

clipped from

Temple Mount
JERUSALEM – A Temple Mount activist organization here has declared next Tuesday "International Temple Mount Awareness Day" and is calling on the world community to express solidarity with the rights of non-Muslims to pray on the site.

"The Temple Mount is the holiest spot in the world, yet the majority of the world's population is barred from any outward peaceful expression of prayer while atop the site," Rabbi Chaim Richman, director of the international department of the Temple Institute, told WND.

"We call on Jews and Gentiles around the world to mark March 16th as a day of solidarity with the Temple Mount and the prophetic vision of 'a house of prayer for all nations,'" he said.

The Temple Institute is a group that works to restore a Jewish presence to the mount, where the Israeli police bar Jews from ascending during most hours of the day while Muslims are granted nearly 24-hour access.

Next Tuesday, the Temple Institute is calling for an international day of awareness
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