Here is fact. Giving out condemns says, it's OK to have sex. Also Sex = Baby. Are they not teaching this anymore? To send our kids to a school system that is allowing this kind of teaching that sex is OK. Is not just wrong, but teaching them that teen pregnancy is also a great thing.
Condemns are NOT the answer people. Teach it right. Sex = Baby. Stuff like this makes me wonder what kind of predators are actually running the school systems.
For those that actually think a condemn is to prevent Pregnancy. Think again. Anyone that has used them knows that they break among so much more.
Anyone that actually thinks this is a good thing may want to sit back and question themselves and who they really think what type of person they are.
This stuff is sick, and very degrading to a child.
Here is fact. Giving out condemns says, it's OK to have sex. Also Sex = Baby. Are they not teaching this anymore? To send our kids to a school system that is allowing this kind of teaching that sex is OK. Is not just wrong, but teaching them that teen pregnancy is also a great thing.
Condemns are NOT the answer people. Teach it right. Sex = Baby. Stuff like this makes me wonder what kind of predators are actually running the school systems.
For those that actually think a condemn is to prevent Pregnancy. Think again. Anyone that has used them knows that they break among so much more.
Anyone that actually thinks this is a good thing may want to sit back and question themselves and who they really think what type of person they are.
This stuff is sick, and very degrading to a child.
The Provincetown Massachusetts School Committee has passed a new condom policy that will allow both its high school and ELEMENTARY school to pass out condoms to CHILDREN who request them. The vote was unanimous but it does come with some controversy within the school committee– although not for the reasons you would think. Those who voted for the policy, but voiced some concerns over the policy are upset that the new policy isn’t liberal enough. Dr. Beth Singer, school superintendent, argued that since there is no age limit on the distribution policy, she wanted to ensure that younger students requesting condoms receive information on their use. The concerns raised about this policy center around the fact that a child would have to ask a nurse for a condom; the opponents feel that the condoms should be available without a child even having to ask for them. Asking for them will put too much stress on them and scare them away from getting a condom according to these people. |
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