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Monday, May 10, 2010

U.N. report: Eco-systems at 'tipping point'

ChemtrailsImage by AndreaUrsiniCasalena via Flickr

This is where I would like to point out a few things before you read this article. The more I try to look at not just Main Media, and CNN. The more and more you can tell they have no clue what they are talking about.
For one. The entire Global Warming Scam is just taking over the World. Governments are either flat out stupid, or they are deliberately up to no good and just want full control over the people of the entire world through the Global climate change hoax.
I want to share a few videos, and let you decide what you think. For awhile I thought this was impossible. But after seeing the streaks in the air almost daily now. I began to start really asking some questions. Like, Why is that plane leaving a streak that don't go away and the other has nothing. Same direction. Then I noticed how the literally cover the skies with this then later it's cloudy your squinting your eye and its seems hard to breath.
No, I thought, Maybe it's all in my head. So I did some research.
Global Warming Blames you for driving your car to work. Your use of electric and gas even from a cow and other animals. Your the cause! At least that is what they are drilling into your heads.
Now watch these videos. Are we the cause? Who is doing this and why?
Learn, search more, You be the judge.

Be sure to watch the above. There are a lot more on this just look up Chemtrails.
Now when you look at the CNN article here. Why isn't the news talking about them spraying this junk in the Air? Who is really hurting this planet? All I asked is do your research. Stop being fooled by the Media.
Wake up and do your own homework. And May God help us all.
clipped from
The U.N. report says that many eco-systems are reaching a
The world's eco-systems are at risk of "rapid degradation and collapse" according to a new United Nations report.

The third Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO-3) published by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) warns that unless "swift, radical and creative action" is taken "massive further loss is increasingly likely."

Ahmed Djoghlaf, executive secretary of the CBD said in a statement: "The news is not good. We continue to lose biodiversity at a rate never before seen in history."

The U.N. warns several eco-systems including the Amazon rainforest, freshwater lakes and rivers and coral reefs are approaching a "tipping point" which, if reached, may see them never recover.

The report says that no government has completely met biodiversity targets that were first set out in 2002 -- the year of the first GBO report.

The CBD -- an international treaty designed to sustain diversity of life on Earth -- was set up at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

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