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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Franklin Graham: Christians Will Lose the Power to Pray Outside Church Walls ‘Maybe in My Lifetime’

“I think its coming to this country where we (will) have the freedom to preach inside a church wall, but we will lose the freedom to do it outside. That day will probably come – maybe in my lifetime,” Graham said.
clipped from
( – Two top evangelical leaders sounded a defiant tone on the eve of National Day of Prayer -- warning that the American right to freedom of religion “is being eroded every day” and may be lost in an onslaught of secularism unless Americans “have the guts to stand up.”

“We’re living in a time where we cannot compromise, we cannot back up, we cannot retreat,” Graham said Wednesday during a live Webcast from the Washington, D.C. offices of the Family Research Council.

“The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is to be preached to the ends of the Earth – that’s what He’s called us to do,” he said. 

He alluded to Eastern Europe under communism, where Christians and others were allowed to pray only within their homes or inside the officially sanctioned churches that were allowed by the state. 
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  1. Franklin Graham's Warning !

    Franklin's warning of coming persecution of Christians echoes what his mother Ruth and father Billy have clearly stated. Re Ruth, see search engines including Google for "Letter from Mrs. Billy Graham." To see what Billy has written, Google "Famous Rapture Watchers - Addendum."
    Since Franklin blamed the Obama administration for his own National Day of Prayer snub and persecution, and since he accused "Christian" Obama of "giving Islam a pass," readers can get some rare insights into Obama and his fellow travelers by Yahooing and Googling "Obama Supports Public Depravity," "Obama Avoids Bible Verses," "Separation of Raunch and State," and "David Letterman's Hate, Etc."
    To see some exceptional in-depth studies of coming persecution, see two unique books by media figure Joe Ortiz entitled "The End Times Passover" and "Why Christians Will Suffer 'Great Tribulation' " - both published in the US and UK by AuthorHouse.

  2. Hi Anonymous, I can see by your statement here that you really haven't been paying much attention to the News going on around the World lately.

    I would suggest to start scrolling through the posts here for the past year or so to get a better understand of what is actually happening in the world today.

    If Obama was a christian he would not be passing the several Unchristian laws that he has in the past year or so.

    You may want to take some time and really study into everything you stated here. You can start by just paying attention to the news.
    On each article you will see the links to back up everything posted.
    I pray you might just wake up. So many are a sleep. Please don't be one of them.


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