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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

6-Year-Old Student Handcuffed, Committed by School

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A little girl was sent to an adult mental institution for being unruly

The same school district that allowed an autistic boy to be voted out of kindergarten class for being a bit unruly has a far worse penalty for 6-year-old little girls.

Handcuffs and straight jackets.

A Parkway Elementary School student was cuffed and sent to an adult mental institution earlier this month after she through a temper tantrum in the middle of class, reports The little girl was handcuffed by a Sheriff's Office deputy "for her safety and the safety of others," a police report said.

The incident report said the girl was hitting school officials and screaming, although it's unclear what brought on the tantrum. The handcuffs worked because the little girl calmed down after an hour in the tight silver bracelets, but her troubles were just beginning.

"These people are going to the extreme," said Kathy Franklin, the girl's mother.

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