Friday, April 9, 2010

US denies climate aid to countries opposing Copenhagen accord

It doesn't seem to matter to anyone anymore that the biggest lie ever created and even being caught in the act of this hoax of climate change, is still being pushed by ALL world powers around the World. What's worse is this money game is just making these people even richer as our own American Government keeps inforcing the issue. Welcome to the New World Order where everyone is forced to dedicate themselves to nothing buy major lies of deception.
clipped from
COP15 Todd Stern

The US State Department is denying climate change assistance to countries opposing the Copenhagen accord, it emerged today.

The new policy, first reported by The Washington Post, suggests the Obama administration is ready to play hardball, using aid as well as diplomacy, to bring developing countries into conformity with its efforts to reach an international deal to tackle global warming.

The Post reported today that Bolivia and Ecuador would now be denied aid after both countries opposed the accord. The accord is the short document that emerged from the chaos of the Copenhagen climate change summit and is now supported by 110 of the 192 nations that are members of the UN climate change convention.

It could also expose America to further criticism that it is not doing enough to shoulder its share of climate aid. America has contributed slightly more than a billion to the fund, below its share.

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