Friday, April 9, 2010

Sean Hannity: ‘If You Look Up the Dictionary Definition of Socialism, This Is It’

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( - In a preview of his book “Conservative Victory—Defeating Obama’s Radical Agenda,” due to be released Monday, Sean Hannity said of the policies President Barack Obama has been pursuing: “If you look up the dictionary definition of socialism, this is it.”

Hannity made the observation in a video interview with 

Sean Hannity: That's a great question. Well, because, look, Obama is a socialist. If you take over banks, if you take over car companies, if you take over financial institutions, the way that he has--now the health care system. If you're going to use every crooked deal that you can come up with to get a bill like that passed--most recently the health care bill--that is by definition, if you look up the dictionary definition of socialism, this is it.
Barack Obama--the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers--and what he's doing as president? What is the theme that you see there?
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1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to reading this book. Thanks BrenParks for SU'ing me the page.


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