Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Uproar follows comment on Germany cross ban

clipped from www.rte.ie
RTÉ.ie News: Crosses Divisive issue

A call by a German politician of Turkish origin for a ban on Christian crosses in state schools has sparked uproar in her conservative party and death threats from far-right groups.

Ayguel Oezkan, the 38-year-old daughter of Turkish immigrants, is poised to become social minister in the centre-right government of the western state of Lower Saxony, and called for the ban in an interview with a German magazine.

'Christian symbols do not belong in state schools,' she told weekly Focus last week. 'Schools should be a neutral place.'

Members of her party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) of Chancellor Angela Merkel, have been quick to denounce the comments and some are demanding she renounce her regional minister role, which she is due to assume tomorrow.

'Politicians who want to ban crosses in schools should think about whether they belong in a Christian party
Germany is home to nearly 3m people of Turkish origin,

She is reportedly under 24-hour protection from police.

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