Friday, April 9, 2010


CIVIL liberties groups have condemned a sinister new plan for Scottish police forces to spy on ordinary citizens using unmanned surveillance drones.
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The Big Brother-style move will mean the public could be monitored constantly, under the pretext of a crime crack-down.
The Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS) has joined forces with their English counterpart to form the Unmanned Aerial Systems Steering Group, which meets regularly to discuss the use of the planes, and reports to the Home Office.
The drones have already been tested by Strathclyde Police who used one in rescue operations in rural Argyll.
But it is the second type that is causing the most concern – flying at 20,000 feet it is invisible to the human eye.
Arms manufacturer BAE Systems is adapting the planes – currently used by the Army in Afghanistan – for the police forces to test.
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