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Monday, April 5, 2010

Eligibility challenger: Don't touch my brain!

Flight surgeon questioning Obama rejects Army's suggestion of 'help'
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A U.S. Army flight surgeon who posted a video indicating his complete rejection of all orders from the military unless Barack Obama documents his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office is now refusing an "unofficial" suggestion from the Army for a medical evaluation.

WND reported this week the Army was hinting that Lt. Col Terry Lakin should undergo a brain scan and medical review.

Officially, the U.S. Army says it has no plans for formal action at this point against the officer. But Calhoun Hemenway told WND that Lakin's "no" meant "no."

"He is not taking any suggested medical evaluation or brain scan. He is refusing to obey all orders including deployment orders," she confirmed.

But as WND reported, the controversy raises the prospect that the government may be unwilling to pursue a prosecution because of the possible ramifications – which could include a defense lawyer's demand for a court-ordered discovery process that would target Obama's historical documentation

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