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Sunday, May 9, 2010

New Film 'Machete' evokes race war

There are very famous stars in this Movie. And, as you can tell this movie was being made way before Arizona passed this law.
The Movie has absolutely nothing to do with the Law and they make it out to a race thing instead of the real reasons behind it all.
But after seeing the trailer to this. I can understand now why Arizona moved so fast to sign it. They couldn't wait on the Government any longer.

Like Alex or not. He just may be right here.

If you think for some reason this isn't causing some kind of movement. Be sure to see this. The media is pushing out the lies in order to start something in this country to further the cause for Global Government Control.

If this continues and this movement breaks out. Be prepared for the first time in History to Martial Law throughout the United States. If anything will usher in Global Control. This is it. Don't be fooled into believing what is said in this video. Look Up NWO, New World Order. This all goes right along with the plans.

clipped from
Director Robert Rodriguez' new film 'Machete' has created controversy after a promotional trailer released online makes provoking comments about Arizona-- referring to its new immigration laws-- before depicted a machete-wielding vigilante who leads an uprising and massacre against Texas authorities. The filmmakers called it a 'special' Cinco de Mayo message to Arizona, inviting viewers into a violent on-screen race war with red-saturated 70s exploitation violence and endless killing.
Though they could not give details due to their contractual agreements, the industry insiders were concerned that the film had gone too far, voicing their fears that it could cause a cultural backlash and do harm to the otherwise positive image of the hispanic community.
Racial strife is often exacerbated unnecessarily by globalists forces who, though seeking to integrate North America regionally, divide & conquer the population by playing upon ethnic tensions.
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