This is what not only Hispanics and all other races should be fighting against. But All Americans and every Nation on the face of this planet.
This is all about tagging you and me to be tracked and told what each one of us can and cannot do. Like get a job. AZ's new law just show the people that we don't need this to run. Yet so many are mad cause the Media tells them to be? Yet this is slipping right through the enire nation and the rest of the World and Nobody says a word? How twisted is this world we live in? If this passes. Does anyone actually think there will be any kind of individual rights anymore? Let alone. Being able to come and go as we please?
Not only did Obama get all the poor Hispanic families riled up about the wrong laws being passed in Arizona, But this is what he is doing behind the scenes. With AZ's new law, We will not need this card.
Do the math people.
WASHINGTON, April 30 (UPI) -- Civil liberties advocates decried a Democratic proposal that would require all workers in the United States to carry an ID card with biometric identifiers.
Senate Democratic leaders Thursday revealed an outline to reform U.S. immigration laws, including a proposal requiring workers to carry a national card with biometric data, such as fingerprints, within six years.
The American Civil Liberties Union ripped the ID card program, called "Believe," an acronym for Biometric Enrollment, Locally-stored Information and Electronic Verification of Employment, The Hill reported Friday.
"Creating a biometric national ID will not only be astronomically expensive, it will usher government into the very center of our lives," ACLU legislative counsel Christopher Calabrese said.
The proposal would require all workers to carry a card with a digital encryption key that must match work-authorization databases.
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