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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Obama: Evidence shows Iran is developing nukes

Atomic bombing of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945.Image via Wikipedia

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Evidence shows Iran is attempting to develop nuclear weapons, U.S. President Barack Obama told CBS on Friday, adding that he felt his administration should continue the pressure on Tehran to cooperate with the international community over its contentious nuclear program.

In an interview to "The Early Show" Friday, Obama said "all the evidence indicates" that Tehran is trying to get the "capacity to develop nuclear weapons."

With such a capability, Obama said that Iran could "destabilize" life in the Mideast and trigger an arms race in the region, adding that, for that reason, he felt "the idea here is to keep on turning up the pressure."
"We're going to ratchet up the pressure and examine how they respond but we're going to do so with a unified international community," Obama said.
The president also said he believes the country has become further isolated from the rest of the world since he took office.
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