Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bowing To China: What It Means To Our Future

Bowing To China: What It Means To Our Future

“Let China sleep, for when China awakes she will shake the world.” Napoleon Bonaparte.
American greed and extravagance has awakened China, and an eastern shadow is being cast on an indebted and divided America. At stake is our economic future.

It seems hard to believe but in just two generations, from Richard Nixon to Barack Obama, America has crumpled from world kingpin to global has-been. In fact this month President Obama bowed before Paramount Leader of China, Hu Jintao, at the nuclear security summit.

The Obama administration is praying that the Communists will waddle-up and buy hundreds of more billions of dollars in Uncle Sam IOUs. So far things are not panning out.
China will not take orders from the U.S. or anyone else. Not only has Obama’s rhetorical magic not worked on China, he has received a public dressing down by Chinese officials.
So far only Obama has been bowing down to China, but unless he gets a grip on federal spending, we will all have to get in the prone position.
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