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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Atheist Group Calls on Obama to Endorse ‘National Day of Reason' Instead of 'National Day of Prayer'

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( – An atheist group is calling on President Obama to ditch the National Day of Prayer and formally recognize its own “non-theist” version called “The National Day of Reason.”

Last week, a federal judge in Madison, Wis., ruled that the law designating the first Thursday in May to be the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional because, the judge said, it negatively impacts non-believers.

A White House spokesman indicated last Friday, however, that President Obama will formally recognize the May 6 observance of the National Day of Prayer with a proclamation because the judge’s order barring the observance would not take effect until after the appeals process had been exhausted.

But the Washington, D.C.-based American Humanist Association is urging the president to recognize instead the “National Day of Reason” -- the atheist movement’s “response” to the National Day of Prayer.
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