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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Legislating Away Your Freedoms – One ‘Homegrown Terrorist’ At A Time

In the news going around everywhere today. We can see there is much going on and more freedoms being taken away from us and lately it seems to be a daily thing.

Is this the USA? Be sure to read the rest of this at the link provided. These is a lot of information on all of this.


Constitutional expert, lawyer and author Glen Greenwald described the bill as:

“probably the single most extremist, tyrannical and dangerous bill introduced in the Senate in the last several decades, far beyond the horrific, habeas-abolishing Military Commissions Act. It literally empowers the President to imprison anyone he wants in his sole discretion by simply decreeing them a Terrorist suspect – including American citizens arrested on U.S. soil. The bill requires that all such individuals be placed in military custody, and explicitly says that they ‘may be detained without criminal charges and without trial for the duration of hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners,’ which everyone expects to last decades, at least.”2

John Sherffius

And that’s pretty much it, although, it’s not merely at the president’s discretion that all you disgruntled citizens can be detained indefinitely, but rather at the discretion of the entire psychopathic U.S. political and corporate elite. Of course, you wouldn’t be called a disgruntled citizen, but rather an ‘unprivileged enemy belligerent’ and you would be defined as someone:

“who has engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners; or has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners”

While the wording here appears to target bone fide ‘terrorists’, that is to say, those people who have been set up as terrorists by the US, Israeli and British governments and their affiliated Intel agencies, it is broad enough to potentially include anyone who protests, or is otherwise ‘hostile’ to the US government.

Have you ever felt hostile to the US government? Have you ever, perchance, marched down a street with a placard that flagrantly denounced the US government in some way? If so, you may have been ‘materially supporting hostilities against the United States.’

But what interests me most is not so much that the bill was introduced (it’s been a long time coming for anyone with eyes to see) but rather the string of ‘homegrown terrorism’ cases that have popped up in the mainstream media since. Coincidence?

Posted via email from Todays World

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