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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Majority of Americans, and Nearly 6 in 10 Young Adults, View Abortion as Morally Wrong

"Americans of all ages – and younger people in even greater numbers than their parents – see abortion as something morally wrong," said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. "America has turned a corner and is embracing life – and in doing so is embracing a future they – and all of us – can be proud of."
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Thirty-Seven Years After Roe v. Wade, a Disenfranchised ‘Silent Generation’

The Silent Generation is between the favored ages of 18 and 37 years old.   There are over 49 million of them, and they make up approximately 15% of the American population, certainly enough to swing any election in any state in any race.  Problem is this:  they have been denied the right to vote in these elections.


Abortion is America’s voluntary minority genocide.  The National Right to Life League reports that in the year 2000, Hispanic women and African American women of child bearing age represented a combined total of 25% of the American population; however, they accounted for 52% of the total number of abortions.

Margaret Sanger at KKK Meeting
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Majority of Americans, and Nearly 6 in 10 Young Adults, View Abortion as Morally Wrong

been tracking an increasing trend toward the pro-life position – a trend confirmed by Gallup and Pew surveys in mid-2009. K of C – Marist surveys are available online at

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