Obama Threatens 14 US Governors With Immediate Arrest
From the page.
The federal government recognizes State Defense Forces under 32 U.S.C. § 109 which provides that State Defense Forces as a whole may not be called, ordered, or drafted into the Armed Forces of the United States, thus preserving their separation from the National Guard.”
Important to note is that Obama, as President of the United States is also its most powerful military leader known by the term of Commander in Chief, and is authorized by the Militia Act of 1903 to federalize his individual States National Guard Forces putting them under his command, something he does not have the power to do with State Defense Forces.
Obama’s fear of these State Defense Forces, this report says, rests with his not having power over them, and with the bulk of the US Military Forces he does control being stretched to near breaking with the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would leave these State military forces under the control of these Governors in “defacto control” of the United States.
Though Obama may have taken from these dissident States their National Guard forces, the Governors of the States of Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia still have under their sole command their State Defense Forces to go against US Federal forces.
Links to each state will be provided here soon.
clipped from beforeitsnews.com
The use of NSLs in the United States was authorized by the Patriot Act law enacted after the September 11, 2001 attacks and forbids anyone receiving them from even acknowledging their existence, and was reauthorized by Obama’s “rubberstamp” Congress this past February Governor Perry has blasted Obama and warned his fellow Texans that the President is “hell bent on socialism” if “Barack Obama’s Washington doesn’t stop being so oppressive, Texans might feel compelled to renounce their American citizenry and secede from the union.” |
This is really scary, for of all our sakes I hope that there is little truth in it. I mean if things cont as they are going with Obama and his "crew" pushing socialistic agendas down the throat of states and citizens, we could be looking at many states deciding they are better off outside the union...which is a scary thought. The only thing that keeps other nations like NK,Iran, etc... out of the US is numbers in solidarity.